SOC3412 Social Networking

SOC3412 Social Networking

In NetDraw, open CliqueOverlap-Matched to graph the ties among monks who belonged to the same cliques (this dataset is identical to the “Actor-by- Actor Clique Co- membership Matrix” in the output log). You may need to move a few points slightly so some lines and labels don’t squash together. Remove the arrowheads from the graph. Open the Monastery_Attr-Matched file. As in Step #1, change the colors of the nodes to represent Sampson’s four factions (use the same colors you used in Step #1). Change the sizes of the nodes to represent the actors’ betweenness centrality scores. Save this color graph, as a screen capture or as a .jpg file, for your report.

3. In UCINET, conduct a blockmodel analysis of Monastery_Like4, using “Network/Roles

& Positions/Structural/Concor/Standard” and specifying “Max depth of splits (not blocks): = 2” to obtain a four-block solution. From the output log, copy and save the Blocked Matrix and the Density Matrix for your report. Use “Network/Cohesion/Density/Density Overall” to find the mean density of Monastery_Like4 for your report.


Write a brief report (print color graphs and tables, with single-spaced text) describing the main findings of your analyses; include the following:

1. Display the color graph of the monastery liking network in which you modified the nodes

to indicate the novice monks’ attributes. Describe what you observe. In particular, comment on the locations of members of the Loyal Opposition, the Young Turks, and others in the graph, the connections within and between faction members, and any other noteworthy features such as the actors’ between centralities. To what extent does this graph reveal the opposing political factions identified by Sampson?

2. Display the list of cliques found, the Actor-by-Actor Clique Co-membership Matrix, the

Hierarchical Clustering of Overlap Matrix, and the color graph of the CliqueOverlap network. (You may cut-and-past from UCINET output, but use Courier font to keep columns aligned!) Describe the major findings of this analysis, commenting on whether your subgroup analysis identifies the monastery’s opposing political factions as described by Sampson. (Suggestion: Color-code the members’ names in the list of cliques, using the same four colors you use in the graph.)

3. From the blockmodel analysis, display the 4-block matrix and the density matrix. Using

the mean network density, manually create the image matrix for the network, where 1 means block density is ≥ network mean and 0 means block density < network mean. Describe the blockmodel’s major features, such as the within- and between-block ties and whether the monks’ block memberships are consistent with Sampson’s factions.

4. How well or poorly do the network color graph, clique analysis, and blockmodel analysis

together help to explain and understand the expulsions and departures of the novice monks during the “crisis in the cloister?”