Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development

1. The period in the life cycle when sexual and reproductive maturation become evident is called

A. maturation B. preadolescence

C. puberty D. growth spurt

2. The adolescent growth spurt tends to occur:

A. earlier in girls than in boys B. earlier in boys than in girls

C. at the same time in boys and girls D. only among certain ethnic groups

3. Alyssa has just experienced her first menstrual period. This is known as:

A. ovulation B. menarche

C. menopause D. PMS

4. According to the research cited in your textbook, which girls would be more likely to develop

symptoms such as depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and disruptive behavior?

A. those who had later puberty B. those who had early puberty

C. those who had insecure attachment D. those who had the most siblings

5. According to the research cited in your textbook, young white and African American women in

the United States:

A. have similar views regarding their bodies and body image

B. both express dissatisfaction with their bodies

C. both express satisfaction with their bodies

D. differ dramatically in how they view their bodies

6. The most common eating disorder in the United States is:

A. obesity B. underweight

C. bulimia D. anorexia

7. According to the survey cited in your textbook, what percent of high school students reported that

they smoked tobacco?

A. 5 B. 12

C. 19 D. 22

8. The most common setting for teenage drinking is:

A. public park grounds B. public school grounds

C. other people’s homes D. teens’ own bedrooms

Page 1 (Chapter 11 Survey)

9. What is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States?

A. syphilis B. gonorrhea

C. Chlamydia D. genital herpes

10. Which of the following statement is true regarding teens and sex?

A. More teens engage in oral sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less risky.

B. More teens engage in vaginal sex because they believe it is more acceptable and less risky.

C. Most teens do not use condoms.

D. U.S. teens have the lowest rates of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia of the sexually active


11. According to the research cited in your textbook, condom use among sexually active


A. has decreased slightly B. has increased significantly

C. has decreased significantly D. has increased slightly

12. Sixteen-year-old Bart is getting a tattoo. Which of the following could be a reason for him to

engage in body art?

A. to demonstrate social identity B. to commemorate a special event

C. to be entertained D. all of these

13. According to the statistics cited in your textbook, adolescent rates of “seriously considering

suicide” over the past decade have_______ while the rates of actual attempted suicide_________.

A. increased; decreased B. decreased; increased

C. remained the same; decreased D. increased; remained the same

14. What is the major cause of death for adolescents?

A. heart disease B. driving accidents

C. assault (homicide) D. suicide

15. According to Piaget, adolescence is the final and highest stage in the development of cognitive

functioning from infancy to adulthood. It is called the period of:

A. concrete operations B. formal operations

C. operant thinking D. cognitive operations