Cancer and various organ disorders multiple questions

Question  1: Which of the following would lead you to suspect a hydrocele versus other causes of scrotal swelling?

The presence of bowel sounds in the scrotum

Being unable to palpate superior to the mass

A positive transillumination test

Normal thickness of the skin of the scrotum

Question 2. Question : You are examining a newborn and note that the right testicle is not in the scrotum. What should you do next?

Refer to urology

Recheck in six months

Tell the parent the testicle is absent but that this should not affect fertility

Attempt to bring down the testis from the inguinal canal

Question 3. Question : A 50-year-old truck driver comes to your clinic for a work physical. He has had no upper respiratory, cardiac, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urinary, or musculoskeletal system complaints. His past medical history is significant for mild arthritis and prior knee surgery in college. He is married and just changed jobs, working for a different trucking company. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, drinks less than six beers a week, and denies using any illegal drugs. His mother has high blood pressure and arthritis and his father died of lung cancer in his sixties. On examination, his blood pressure is 130/80 and his pulse is 80. His cardiac, lung, and abdominal examinations are normal. He has no inguinal hernia, but on his digital rectal examination you palpate a soft, smooth, and nontender pedunculated mass on the posterior wall of the rectum. What anal, rectal, or prostate disorder best fits his presentation?

Internal hemorrhoid

Prostate cancer

Anorectal cancer

Rectal polyp

Question 4. Question : A 15-year-old high school football player is brought to your office by his mother. He is complaining of severe testicular pain since exactly 8:00 this morning. He denies any sexual activity and states that he hurts so bad he can’t even urinate. He is nauseated and is throwing up. He denies any recent illness or fever. His past medical history is unremarkable. He denies any tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. His parents are both in good health. On examination, you see a young teenager lying on the bed with an emesis basin. He is very uncomfortable and keeps shifting his position. His blood pressure is 150/100, his pulse is 110, and his respirations are 24. On visualization of the penis, he is circumcised and there are no lesions and no discharge from the meatus. His scrotal skin is tense and red. Palpation of the left testicle causes severe pain and the patient begins to cry. His prostate examination is unremarkable. His cremasteric reflex is absent on the left but is normal on the right. By catheter you get a urine sample and the analysis is unremarkable. You send the boy with his mother to the emergency room for further workup.

Acute orchitis

Acute epididymitis

Torsion of the spermatic cord


Question 5. Question : Which is true of prostate cancer?

It is commonly lethal.

It is one of the less common forms of cancer.

Family history does not appear to be a risk factor.

Ethnicity is a risk factor.

Question 6. Question : Which of the following conditions involves a tight prepuce which, once retracted, cannot be returned?





Question 7. Question : A 12-year-old is brought to your clinic by his father. He was taught in his health class at school to do monthly testicular self-examinations. Yesterday, when he felt his left testicle, it was enlarged and tender. He isn’t sure if he has had burning with urination and he says he has never had sexual intercourse. He has had a sore throat, cough, and runny nose for the last three days. His past medical history is significant for a tonsillectomy as a small child. His father has high blood pressure and his mother is healthy. On examination, you see a child in no acute distress. His temperature is 100.8 and his blood pressure and pulse are unremarkable. On visualization of his penis, he is uncircumcised and has no lesions or discharge. His scrotum is red and tense on the left and normal appearing on the right. Palpating his left testicle reveals a mildly sore swollen testicle. The right testicle is unremarkable. An examining finger is put through both inguinal rings, and there are no bulges with bearing down. His prostate examination is unremarkable. Urine analysis is also unremarkable. What abnormality of the testes does this child most likely have?

Acute orchitis

Acute epididymitis

Torsion of the spermatic cord


Question 8. Question : The most common cause of cancer deaths in males is:

Lung cancer

Prostate cancer

Colon cancer

Skin cancer

Question 9. Question : Important techniques in performing the rectal examination include which of the following?


Waiting for the sphincter to relax

Explaining what the patient should expect with each step before it occurs

All of the above

Question 10. Question : Jim is a 47-year-old man who is having difficulties with sexual function. He is recently separated from his wife of 20 years. He notes that he has early morning erections but otherwise cannot function. Which of the following is a likely cause for his problem?

Decreased testosterone levels

Psychological issues

Abnormal hypogastric arterial circulation

Impaired neural innervation