After watching the YouTube Video: Hispanics in America The History Channel 20th Century Mike Wallace:
- Create and submit a written script of your Voice Thread video discussion.
The goal is to show organization of thought prior to recording your video post. You must type out your comments verbatim. Use APA style citations to reference readings discussed in your video discussion. These references can be from both the assigned readings and outside sources. - Record approximately a 3-5 minute video that includes the following integrative topics:
- What information in the YouTube video regarding diversity and human rights within the Hispanic population did you learn about or were not aware of before?
- From your field education experience, describe observations you’ve made on ‘within group diversity’, features of culture, identity, difference, and social context among your Hispanic clients.
- How will the information in the YouTube video help you to provide culturally competent service delivery to your Hispanic clients?
- Describe how you can apply leadership in advocacy for human rights and social and economic justice for Hispanic children and families
- After recording the video, return to your transcript to ensure that the text in your transcript matches what you actually said in your recording.
- Your written transcript can be produced in Word and submitted electronically in this forum item (so that all students can have universal access to what you have said in the video). There is no set format. The instructor will be looking for proof of effective prior planning and preparation for your video presentation, as well as accuracy of text compared to your recording.
- To receive full credit, all integrative topics listed in the assignment outline must be addressed. The video recording must show integration of field placement experience along with the unit readings and YouTube video review.