Video/DVD Analysis

write a 2 pages double-spaced analysis of a video.

  • Identify a video/DVD (from YouTube or elsewhere)
  • Provide a short summary of the video/DVD (What is the video about? Clarity is important!)
  • Separately, explain how Comte, Marx and Durkheim would view – interpret your video/DVD. Thoroughly explain using sociological concepts/terms. (You may write as much as possible.)
  • Which paradigm is most represented in your video/DVD? Explain.
  • Please post your final document with all the above information included.


  • Video Highlights:  5 points (Clarity is important)
  • Views of Comte, Marx and Durkheim: 10 points (must be thorough)
  • Paradigm: 5 Points (Explanation of selected paradigm: why did you select your particular paradigm? How does your paradigm explain your  video/DVD? Thoroughly explain).
  • Usage of sociological concepts