Family Engagement In Person Centered Care

Critically review and respond to the following statement:

The strengths-based nursing care approach can complement the problem based (medical model) approach to healthcare currently evident in Australian healthcare system.

Key point is:

Family engagement in person centered care

family engagement improves patient’s outcomes; getting feedback on our work; family are not only relative, also communities;

1. Person-centered & Family-centered not just relationship (community-significant others)

2. Establishing family background, dynamic

3. Key people involved, what resources they have; Increasing improvement in patient empowering resources for family

4. Identify family trimer

5. Weakness compare with the sbn

Be strong-family engagement, how employment; Ongoing capacity

Think family resources- who are they involved; verbal & non-verbal/supporting

Shorter time admission, less cost, supporting the patient; Statement: family engagement reduces admission time