Philosophy and Arts Worksheet

Take no more than three sentences to answer the following questions (15 pts):

· What is the primary Freudian influence evident in Figure 33.2?

· Describe the difference between expressionism and abstract expressionism.

· Explain how Dada might be reflective of the change in society as a result of science opposed to psychology.

· What is one primary similarity and one primary difference between the dance of Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham?

· Review Figure 33.2. Provide three attributes of the painting that reflect the expressionist movement.

Essay question – answer the following question in no more than 525 words (5 pts). Use proper APA citations.

· What are the similarities and differences of readings 33.2 and 33.3? Cite specific examples from each to support your answer.

please on the link you will find the figures 33.2 and 33.3

the first figure on the slide “scream” and the second “berlin…” respectively


CHAPTER 32 The Modernist Assault

The Humanistic Tradition, Book 6: Modernism, Postmodernism, and the Global Perspective, 7e

T. S. Eliot

No English-speaking poet advanced the Modernist agenda more powerfully than the American-born writer T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot (1888–1965). Meeting Pound in 1914, Eliot joined him in the effort to rid modern poetry of romantic sentiment. He held that poetry must seek the ver- bal formula or “objective correlative” (as he called it) that gives precise shape to feeling. Eliot’s style soon became notable for its inventive rhythms, irregular cadences, and startling images, many of which draw on personal reminis- cences and obscure literary resources.

Educated at Harvard University in philosophy and the classics, Eliot was studying at Oxford when World War I broke out. He remained in England after the war, becom- ing a British citizen in 1927 and converting to the Anglican faith in the same year. His intellectual grasp of modern philosophy, world religions, anthropology, and the classical literature of Asia and the West made him the most erudite literary figure of his time.

Begun in 1910, Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (reproduced here in full) captures the wan- ing idealism that pervaded the years leading up to World War I. The “love song” is actually the dramatic monologue of a timid, middle-aged man who has little faith in himself or his capacity for effective action. Prufrock’s cynicism anticipated the disillusion and the sense of impotence that marked the postwar generation (discussed in greater detail in chapter 34).